- Dr. Solomon X.Y.Jallayu CEO/ president BSc, BA. MTS. DCE, PhD (Education, Theology and Psychology Education) ,IEF/University of Lome 1999, Global university 2006 VIU,2007 Evangel Christian University of America 2014
- Barromi G. Davis Sr. Academic Dean, BCC. MA (Christian Counseling, Christian Education) VIU, ECUA
- Mr. Prince T. Jallayu, Dean of Admission and records, BSc. ( Civil Engineering) Stella Maris Polytechnic 2019
- Victoria Zarr. Jallayu, Business Manager, AA, BA (Administration, Christian Education) LIcosses , 2012, ECUA 2014
- Mr. Sylvain Mahiley Instructor, BCC, MA (counseling, ) VIU 2012, ECUA 2015
- Dr. James Kaimue Lecturer , BSC, MA, PhD ( Geography, Theology),University of Liberia ,University of Joss
- Dr. Amos Bayen, Lecturer, BA, MA , PhD (Ministry, Christian Education)
- Dr. Pamela Mckee-Jones, Lecturer MA, MDiv, ThD , ( Leadership, Divinity, Theology) Greenville college 2000, Asbury Seminary 2008, ECUA 2015
- Rev. Eugene Bettie BTS, MA, Instructor (Theology, Ministry), VIU 2012. ECUA 2018
- Dr. John S. Flomo Jr, Lecturer MA, MEd. PhD ( Biblical Studies ,Education) University of Minnesota 2011
- Rev. Amu Q. Roberts BA, MA Instructor( Theology, Christian Education) ECUA 2013,2018
- Mr. Christian Davis, BSc. Instructor (Education)
- Mr. Moses Joe AA, BSc, (Education) Licosses, United Methodist university
- Mr. John Gbartea, AA, BSc. (Education) LIcossess, AME Zion University 2009
- Tellus Johnson BSc. (Education) Tubman University 2016
- Dr. Charles T.S. Sumo, BTS, MCC, PhD Lecturer (Theology ,Counseling, Education) VIU 2006,2007,2011
- Mr. Reginal Mehpaine , Instructor, BSc. M.Ed ( Education), University of Liberia 2016?
- Rev. James Andrew Lablah, Instructor , MCE, MTh, MA ( Theology, Education , Human right
- Dr. Marue Sirleaf , Lecturer BRE, BTh, MTS, PhD ( Theology , Education) LCC, VIU 2011
- ZAyzay Y. Gaflor, Instructor, BSc ( Sociology) University of Liberia
- Dr. Arnold T.T. Wilson, BCC, BA, MA, DCA (counseling, Education Administration) VIU, ECUA and Truth and mercy Institute.
Evangel Christian University College is preparing men and women for the workforce. It appreciates your willingness to become a member of the faculty. Your dedication, discipline and desire to impart knowledge and skills to others in the lifelong pursuit are noble. We hope that your experiences as a faculty member at ECUC will be positive and rewarding, and we encourage your active participation in the college’s planning process. Options to contribute include involvement in the campus’s participatory governance committees, participation in your Education’s Annual Plan and/or Program Review, service on one of the many advisory boards, or representation of the college within the community.
The purpose of this section is to provide you with information related to your employment, your classroom, and the many resources available to support your instruction. This information attempts to address many of the College policies. Much of the information will be familiar to the experienced faculty member; however, many of the administrative procedures (the APs) have been updated. If this information does not answer your particular questions, please contact the office of the President for clarity and details.
The Board has an interim membership of seven (7) persons selected on the basis of integrity and their commitment to seek the development of the College.
Before a paycheck can be issued, all required employment forms must be completed and submitted to the Human Resources Office. Payroll checks cannot be issued until the Human Resources Office has approved the status as an employee, and has placed the employee on the appropriate salary scale according to Faculty Contract Agreement. Placement is based on documentation of educational background, work experience and teaching assignment category.
Full-Time Faculty Members
Regular paychecks are available on the last working day of the month; faculty members have a choice of receiving advance salary payment during the academic year. Paychecks may be picked up at the Business Office between 8:00 a.m. and 4:45 p.m. For assistance with payroll, faculty may contact the business office.
Full-time faculty teaching overload assignments follow the part-time faculty guidelines as outlined below.
Part-time Faculty Members
Part-time faculty members and overload assignments are paid based on the number of hours the class meets according to the schedule of classes. They also will receive pay for activities spent on professional development.
Part-time faculty members and full-time teachers teaching overload accumulate sick leave credit according to the Faculty Contract Agreement and their sick leave plans can be viewed by the VP for Administration.
Part-Time Faculty Orientation
Part-time faculty are strongly encouraged to attend a Part-time Faculty Orientation, which is conducted approximately a week prior to each semester, continuing part-time faculty are encouraged to re-attend the orientation. Those continuing part-time faculty who have not attended in the past two years are eligible to attend the Part-Time Faculty Orientation.
Full-Time Faculty Members (Office Hours)
Full-time faculty members are required to maintain five student conference (office) hours per week. Faculty members shall remain in their offices during these scheduled hours unless other arrangements have been approved in advance and in writing by the appropriate Dean. If missing an office hour, faculty should also notify all their students as well as the Division Office. Office hours for all full-time faculty members are provided in the Schedule.
Part-time Faculty Members
The following criteria are used to determine eligibility for part-time faculty members:
Part-time faculty members who teach at least one three-unit course with a lecture component shall be eligible to participate in the office hour program for a maximum of two eligible courses per faculty member The time for office hours shall be mutually agreed upon between the part-time faculty member and the Dean, and shall be posted. Generally, office hours are held immediately before or after class and are held in at least half-hour sessions. or Extended Education Office. They may also follow the instructions for setting up Email Forwarding.
The college’s website (www.ecsc.edu) contains many reference materials and information regarding policies, procedures and general information. One helpful website is the Faculty Corner, which provides links to many faculty resources. Also valuable are the Faculty and Staff Resources website and the Learning Outcomes Resource Center, which includes important links, resources, professional learning opportunities, forms, and information on Institutional Learning Outcomes (ISLOs), Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs), and Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
Absence & Use of Substitutes
If a faculty member needs to be absent from class for any reason, prompt notice MUST be given to the appropriate Division Office. If you are teaching after your Division Office has closed, and you need to report a last-minute absence, please call the VP for Academic office.
The college does not provide substitute faculty except in extreme circumstances such as long-term illness. All substitute faculty members must be approved by the VP for Academic Affairs or other site administrator and cleared through the Human Resources Office prior to substituting for class. In the case of approved absences, faculty and staff from the Department may be available to present information on the approved absences or other topics. Unauthorized substitutes will not be paid.
Sick leave is accumulated based upon teaching hours completed. Time missed due to an absence will be deducted from the faculty member’s accumulated sick leave. In the event, there is no remaining sick leave balance, a payroll adjustment will be made on the next paycheck. Any arrangements to reschedule a class during the regular dates of the semester MUST be approved by the VP for Academic.
Evaluation of Faculty
This evaluation of faculty may include classroom observations by others as well as Student Opinion of Teaching surveys administered in class.
Probationary Full-Time Faculty
All probationary full-time faculty members must go through a four-year tenure process in order to become permanent faculty members.
Temporary Full-Time Faculty
Temporary faculty are evaluated each semester. The evaluation team will consist of the supervising administrator and 1-3 tenured instructors.
Tenured Full-Time Faculty
All tenured full-time faculty members shall be evaluated at least once every three academic years as per the policy of the contract. The evaluation team will consist of the supervising administrator and one tenured faculty member who will be selected by mutual agreement between the administrator and the faculty member being evaluated.
Part-time Faculty
During the first semester of employment (per Title 5) the supervising administrator, will perform an evaluation of the part-time instructor according to procedures outlined in the policy of the Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement). This includes a tenured faculty member (appointed by the supervising administrator) performing a classroom observation, pre- and post-observation meetings with that peer observer, and student evaluations. At the end of the semester, once grades have been submitted, the part-time faculty member being evaluated will also receive a summary analysis of any student evaluations (the STOTS, or student opinion of teaching surveys) administered during the term. The purpose of the evaluation process is to provide the instructor with feedback regarding his/her teaching and to improve the instructional process. After the first year, most part-time faculty members are evaluated every semester of service.
Faculty Association
Faculty members are officially represented by the ECUC Teachers Association.
Both full-time and part-time faculty are strongly encouraged to join with the other faculty and graduates at the annual Commencement Ceremony in order to honor our collective work and celebrate our students’ achievements.