The Department of Public Administration   of the College of Business and Public Administration, Grand Gedeh County Community College, has designed courses in Public Administration   to provide professional skills in the field of local government, rural development, the general understanding and concepts of Public Administration to enable students succeed in the variety of jobs in the public sector as well as, the private sector.

Candidates majoring in Public Administration for the Degree of Bachelor of Public Administration (BPA), is expected to the minimum credit hours of 128 to be eligible for graduation.

Required Courses for Public Administration Major:  Core Courses for Major:

Physical Science 101                                                         Public Administration 201

 Physical Science 102                                                        Public Administration  202
Computer  Science 102                                                     Public Administration  313
English 101                                                                        Public Administration   314
English 102                                                                        Public  Administration   303 
English 201                                                                        Public Administration   304
English 202                                                                        Public Administration    319
French  101                                                                       Public Administration  320
French  102                                                                       Public Administration   403
Mathematics 107                                                              Public Administration   404              
Mathematics 108                                                             Public Administration   403
Mathematics 203                                                            Public Administration  407                           
Military Science 101                                                      Public Administration  408
Military Science  102                                                    Public Administration 417
Social Science  102                                                       Public Administration  420
Social Science 201                                                        Public Administration  422
Economics 203
Economics 204                                               Minor  Courses :
Accounting  201                                 Five(5) Courses in  Minor 15 credit Hours
Accounting  202 

                                                            Elective  Courses:
Three (3) Courses in Electives nine credit Hours

Freshman Year – First Semester

CourseCodeCourse TitleCredit
 Computer Science101 Introduction to Computer3
   Physical  Science101Introduction to Physics I3
English101 Freshman  English I3
French101Introduction to French I3
Mathematics107Pre-Calculus Mathematics4
Reserved Officer Training Corp. (ROTC)101Military Science1
Total  17.  hours

Freshman Year – Second Semester

CourseCodeCourse TitleCredit
 Physical Science102 Introduction to Physics3
English102Freshman II3
French102Introduction to French II3
Social Science102Introduction to Social Science3
Mathematics108Mathematics for Decision Making4
Reserved  Officer Training Corp (ROTC)102Military Science1
         Computer Science   102  Computer Applications   3
Total     20 Credit Hours

Sophomore Year First Semester

CourseCodeCourse TitleCredit hour
Accounting201Principles of Accounting I3
Economics203Principles of Economics I3
English201Sophomore English I3
Public Administration201Introduction to Public Administration3
Social Science201Liberian Society3
Total  19 Credit hours

Sophomore Year – Second Semester

CourseCodeCourse TitleCredit
Accounting202Principles of Accounting II3
Economics204Principles of Macroeconomics I3
English202Sophomore English II3
Public Administration202Introduction to Public Administration II3
Total  12 Credit hours

Junior year – First Semester

CourseCodeCourse TitleCredit
Public Administration313Administrative Theory and Practice3
Public Administration319Government Budgetary Process3
Public  Administration320Organizational Communication3
 Public Administration303Local Government  Administration3
Minor  3
Total  15 Credit Hours

Junior Year – Second Semester

CourseCodeCourse TitleCredit
Public Administration304Development Planning and Administration3
Public Administration306Administrative Law3
Public Administration314Public Organizational Behavior and Structure3
Minor  3
Minor  3
Elective                3
Total  18 credit hours   

Senior year – First Semester

CourseCodeCourse TitleCredit
Public Administration416Comparative  Public Administration3
Public  Administration403Public Personnel Administration3
Public Administration405Public Finance Administration3
Public Administration412Public Policy Process3
Minor  3
Elective  3
Total  18 Credit hours

Senior Year – Second Semester

CourseCodeCourse  TitleCredit
Public Administration417Rural Development Administration3
Public Administration406Public Administration and Public Enterprises3
Public Administration420Issues in Liberian and African Development3
Public Administration422Senior Seminar3
Minor  3
Elective  3
Total   18 Credit Hours

Students majoring in Public Administration are required to selectively complete the following courses:

CourseCodeCourse TitleCredit
Public  Administration305Public Health and Hospital Administration3
Public Administration309Educational Administration3
Public Administration408Local Government Administration3

Students Majoring in Public Administration and Minoring in Accounting

CourseCodeCourse TitleCredit
Accounting301Principles of Accounting II3
Accounting302Intermediate Accounting3
Accounting311Cost Accounting I3
Accounting312Cost Accounting II3
Accounting403Accounting System and Control3
Total  15credit hours

Students Majoring in Public Administration and Minoring in Economics

Economics307Intermediate Microeconomics  I3
Economics308Intermediate II3
Economics317Intermediate Macroeconomics I3
Economics318Intermediate Macroeconomics3
Economics401  Labor Economics3
Total    15 credit hours

Majoring in Public Administration and Minoring in Management

CourseCodeCourse TitleCredit Hour
Management301Organizational Theory and Behavior3
Management310Human Resource Behavior3
Management314Marketing Management3
Management436Small Business Management3
Management431Policy and Strategy Management3
Total  15credit hours


Accounting 201 (Principles of Accounting I – 3 Credit Hours               

Control Accounts; Accounts for non- profit organizations ; records; Bank reconciliation Statement;  Payroll account; Declaration of fixed assets; Partnership account; Manufacturing accounts; Introduction to Intermediate Accounting;  Share capital; Share issue and dividend .

ACCT 202 (Principles of Accounting II – 3 Credit Hours (Pre-requisite: ACCT. 201)

This course deals or considers the cost of depreciation, detailing the basic methods of depreciation, sinking funds, share capital, share issues and redemption, share values Specialized Accounting, Company Accounting and joint venture

Physical Science 101 – Introduction to Physical Science I – 3 Credit Hours

This course focuses on the basic principles of Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Meteorology and Astronomy.

Physical Science 102 Introduction to Physical Science II– 3Credit Hours(Pre-requisite- physical Science 101

This course is designed to collect, experiment, and analyze scientific data, property of matter, electricity and magnetisms, energy and waves.

English 101 – 3Credits     

Basic communication course emphasizing listening, constructive or clear thinking, basic writing and speaking abilities. Includes reading and discussion of short prose selections intended to develop both the reading and writing skills of the students with emphasis on organization and development of ideas; writing of effective paragraphs and short compositions. 

English 102 (English) – 3Credit Hours (Pre-requisite: ENGL 101)

Instruction in writing original composition, short essays, short stories, and poetry; to enhance basic written and oral communication skills.

                                                                                                                              English 201 (English) – 3Credit Hours (Pre-requisite: ENGL 102)

Integrated program which places emphasis on the effective development of basic communication skills such as reading comprehensive and writing. It is a study of styles as manifested through some selected narratives, expository, descriptive and argumentative prose and poetic works in English. Summary (précis) and narrative;

English 202 College English II – 3Credit Hours (Pre-requisite English 201)

An advanced  course in the use of grammar for communication skills such as reading  literature, poetry, prose, covering selected and more sophisticated   writing in modern English , covering  the following areas: comparison and contrast, argument, exposition,  and critical analysis. Writing skills are fostered, and students are ultimately exposed to the methods and techniques of writing short research paper.

Economics 203 Microeconomics(Pre-requisite English 102)

The description of the course considers the role of investment, theory of consumption, income hypotheses, marginal efficiency of capital versus marginal efficiency of investment, concepts of multiplier, monetary theory, of interest rates theory of inflation. Economics 313   Economics and

French 101 – 3 Credit Hours                      

This is a course taught by an audio-visual teaching method. Pronunciation and syntax are improved through written drills and exercises.

French 102 – 3 Credit Hours (Pre-requisite French 101)

Emphasis is on grammatical construct of the French Language. Pronunciation and syntax are improved through written drills and exercises.

Mathematics 107- Pre- calculus – 4Credit Hours 

With the fundamentals of pre-calculus. It deals with the review of the real number system and set operation review of algebraic expression, equalities and inequalities including polynomials, rational expressions, radical expressions, radicals, absolute values.

Mathematics 108 (Math for Decision Making) 4 Credit Hours Pre-requisite: MATH 107.

The course covers topics in trigonometry and their graphs, trigonometric identities, solving trigonometric equation, inverse trigonometric function, and analytical geometry, providing students with the fundamentals of pre-calculus for those who will eventually take calculus.

Mathematics 203- 4 Credits Pre-requisite Math 108

Mathematics is a tool for understanding our world and trying to solve its problems. Mathematical models are used in such diverse areas as determining the shape of aircraft’s wings for maximum lift, analyzing disease spread and control, and simulating network flows for efficient transportation systems. Mathematics also requires imagination, necessitating abstract and formalized thought on the one hand and creativity and intuition.  This course is highly focuses on the derivatives and limits.

Military Science 101 (ROTC) I – 1Credit

Provides basic and fundamental knowledge of the Liberian Military,

Military Science 102 –1Credits (Pre-requisite ROTC 101)

Advanced knowledge of the Liberian Military, Structure, types of uniforms,   dress code, ranks, insignia, when and where to salute superior officers, military chain of command, general orders, the eleven general orders, the importance of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)

methods, examines principles of subordinate motivation and organizational change, and applies leadership and problem solving principles to a complex case study/simulations.

Social Science 102– 3 Credit Hours

This course focuses or seeks to investigate to investigate in Africa from pre – colonial rule to modern times and analyze selected in their relationship to social problems and social issues.

SOSC 201 Advanced Social Science 3Credit Hours (Pre-requisite:  English 102; Social science 102)

An interdisciplinary course which investigates in details the History, Sociology, Geography, Economics, Politics, and Demography from the pre- colonial to modern times in Liberia and society in general.

Public Administration 201 Introduction to Public Administration I – 3Credit hours

In this course, emphasis is placed on the three branches of government, a general introduction to the science and art of Public Administration, the rise of governments, the elements, functions and processes of Public Administration, the principles and methods of administration,  simple decision making models,  financial and personnel administration,  organizational  theory and leadership concepts;

Public Administration 202 – Introduction to Public Administration II (Pre–requisite Public Administration201 -3 Credit hours

This course concentrates on the evaluation of Public Administration as an academic discipline, representative school of thought, decision making models, organizational chart and hierarchies, civil servants, collective bargaining, the spoilt system and the merit system, new trends in Public Administration.

Public Administration 303 -3 Credit hours – Local Government Administration

 Pre-requisite Public Administration 202

This course is designed to impact students the concepts and knowledge and concepts government functions such as local service districts, rural communities, municipalities, and chieftaincy 

Public Administration 304 – Development Planning and Administration Public Administration 201. A study of nature, objectives and functions of development planning and administration into the third world, with special reference to Liberia. The course includes the rising role of socio economic planning models, implementation and coordination of comprehensive national, inter-regional and sectorial development programs, financial and human resources mobilization and allocation of functions.

Public Administration 305 – Public Health and Hospital Administration (Pre-requisite Public Administration 202) – 3Credit Hours

This course focuses on the study of the organizational structure and functions of the public health and medical practice law, personnel procedures, communication, logistics, government financing, control, professional training, and relationships with allied national and international organizations.

Public Administration 306 – Administrative Law 3 Credit Hours (Pre-requisite Public Administration 202)

This course focuses on the study of administration in its legal environment; it examines the administrative process in terms of the relationship of the administrative actions and the legal or judicial process, the advantages and disadvantages of administrative law, due process of the law, grievance resolution, the appeal system, theory of administrative rule making and adjudicating by civil servants and regulatory agencies and relevant constitutional doctrines.

Public Administration 313 – Administrative theory and Practice – 3 Credit Hours (Pre-requisite Public Administration 202)

The nature of Public administrative leadership and government; it basic constitutional and legal power and ecological constraints, its traits functional and situational forces, analysis of classical, neoclassical and contemporary administrative theories, and the models of administration.

Public Administration 314 – Organizational Structure and Behavior – 3Credit Hours (Pre-requisite – Public Administration 313

Analyses and classifications of organizational typologies , their objectives, structures, functions, theories, personality, types and needs of individuals in organizational  dynamics, change  and adaption  or the nature the nature and purpose of work, the influence of culture in organizations.

Public Administration 309 Educational Administration   3 Credit Hours (Pre-requisite Public Administration 202)

This course focuses on the study of the Liberian school system, its organization, objectives, financing,  personnel system and standards, government control of certification, supervision and inspection; the relationship with allied national and international organizations .

Public Administration 319 – Government Budgetary Process 3 Credit Hours (Pre-requisite Public Administration 202)

This course is based primarily on the Liberian Government Budget   as an important instrument of economic and social policy, and a tool for efficient financial management and coordination, with emphasis on the four basic phases of the budgetary process, Executive preparation and transmission, Legislative authorization and the post audit.

Public Administration 320 – Organizational Communication 3 Credit Hours (Pre-requisite Public Administration 202)

This course is described as communication and the organization, introduction to the basic communication models, intra – organizational  communication process and problem, verbal, written, implied behavior,  electronic  informal  and interpersonal.

Public Administration 404- Rural Development Administration– 3 Credit Hours (Pre-requisite Public Administration 314

This course looks at the Liberian government and its socio and economic development policy, the formation and implementation of rural integrated development program and the general impact on traditional life style.

Public Administration 403 Public Personnel Administration– 3Credit Hours (Pre-requisite Public Administration (314)

A study of personnel administration with special reference to Civil Service Agency

And its functions such as recruitment, Examinations, recruitment and selection, position and retirement, and coordinating agency personnel procedures

Public Administration 407 – Public Finance Administration 3 Credit Hours (Pre-requisite Public Administration 319

This course studies the history of Public Finance and its organizations, allocated and control system, with special reference to government, current financial problems and corrective measures.

Public Administration 408- Public Administration and Public Enterprises (Pre-requisite Public Administration 314

This course concerns the role of government as a producer and distributer of goods of goods and services, the origin and rationale of Liberia’s Public Corporation with special reference to their importance, classification, and problems in the economy.

Public Administration 408 Local Government Administration – 3 Credit Hours (Pre- requisite Public Administration 308

This is a study of the development of local government in Liberia, its structure, personnel administration, function and relationship with central government through the Ministries of Internal Affairs, Finance and Development Planning.

Public Administration 410 – Comparative Public Administration II (Pre–requisite Public Administration 401)

In this course, comparison is made between the administrative system of Industrial developed western nation and those of the second and third world and the ecology and leadership style of states.

Public Administration 422 – Senior Seminar (Pre-requisite Public Administration 313/ 314)

This course focuses on the identification , discussion,  and analysis  in  of major administrative problems  in such of the discipline as a process,  elements and organization of the Public Bureaucracy, the public debt and the socio- economic development , crime and prevention, Prosecution, Public personnel procedures.