Department of Accounting
The study of Accounting begins with students obtaining fundamental knowledge in the “introduction to Accounting I and II”. These courses stress a broad understanding in Accounting terminologies, basic Accounting equation, double entry book keeping system, business transaction and their underlying journal entries, and the introduction to the financial statements. An early understanding of the concepts in these courses form the foundation block on which students may master other complex issues in more difficult courses in Accounting as they advanced their professional studies.
Majoring in Accounting
A candidate for the Bachelor’s Degree of Business Administration (BBA) in Accounting must complete a minimum of 134 semester hours within the following areas obtaining not less than “C” in all courses.
Required Courses for Accounting Major: Core Courses in Major:
Physical Science 101 Accounting 201
Physical Science 102 Accounting 202
Computer Science 101 Accounting 301
Computer Science 102 Accounting 302
English 101 Accounting 311
English 102 Accounting 312
English 201 Accounting 401
English 202 Accounting 402
Mathematics 107 Accounting 403
Mathematics 108 Accounting 404
Mathematics 203 Accounting 405
Economics 203 Accounting 406
Economics 204 Accounting 413
Economics 315 Accounting 414
Economics 316
Management 201 Minor Required Courses:
Management 202 Five( 5) courses 15 Credit hours
Management 311
Military Science 101
Military Science 102 Elective Required Courses:
Social Science 102 Three( 3) courses nine( 9) Credit hours
Social Science 201
French 101
French 102
Elective Courses
Students majoring in Accounting are required to selectively do the following courses::
Course | Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
Management | 318 | Financial Management (Compulsory) | 3 |
Management | 301 | Organizational Behavior | 3 |
Management | 314 | Marketing Management | 3 |
Management | 310 | Human Resource Management | 3 |
Economics Minor
Students minoring in Economics are required to selectively complete the following courses:.
Course | Code | Course Title | Code |
Economics | 307 | Intermediate Microeconomics Economics I | 3 |
Economics | 308 | Intermediate Micro economics II | 3 |
Economics | 317 | Intermediate Macroeconomics I | 3 |
Economics | 318 | Intermediate Macroeconomics II | 3 |
Economics | 411 | Money and Banking I | 3 |
Total | 15Credit hours |
Management Minor
Students majoring Accounting and minoring in Management are required to selectively complete the following courses:
Course | Code | Course Title | Credit Hour |
Management | 301 | Organizational Behavior | 3 |
Management | 314 | Marketing Management | 3 |
Management | 318 | Financial Management | 3 |
Management | 436 | Small Business Management | 3 |
Total | 15 Credit Hours |
Public Administration Minor
Students minoring in Public Administration are required to selectively complete the following courses:
Course | Code | Course Title | Credit Hour |
Public Administration | 304 | Administrative Law | 3 |
Public Administration | 313 | Administrative Theory and Practice | 3 |
Public Administration | 314 | Public Organizational Structure and Behavior | 3 |
Public Administration | 319 | Government Budgetary Process | 3 |
Public Administration | 403 | Public Personnel Administration | 3 |
Total | 15 Credit Hours |
Freshman Year – First Semester
Course | Code | Course Title | Credit Hours |
Computer Science | 101 | Introduction to computer Science | 3 |
English | 101 | Freshman English I | 3. |
French | 101 | Introduction to French I | 3. |
Mathematics | 107 | Pre-calculus Mathematics | 4. |
Reserved Officer Corp. ( ROTC) | 101 | Military Science | 1. |
Physical Science | 101 | 3 | |
Total | 17 Credit hours |
Freshman Year – Second Semester
Course | Number | Course Title | Credit Hour |
Computer Science | 102 | Computer Application | 3 |
English | 102 | Freshman English II | 3 |
French | 102 | Introduction to French II | 3 |
Social Science | 102 | Liberian Society | 3 |
Mathematics | 108 | Math for Decision making | 4 |
Reserved Officer Training (ROTC) | 102 | Military Science II | 1 |
Physical Science | 102 | 3 | |
Total | 20 |
Sophomore Year- First Semester
Course | Number | Course Title | Credit Hour |
Accounting | 201 | Principles of Accounting I | 3 |
Economics | 203 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 |
English | 201 | Sophomore English I | 3 |
Mathematics | 203 | Calculus for Non math Major | 4 |
Management | 201 | Principles of Management I | 3 |
Social Science | 201 | Social Science six disciplines of the Liberian Perspectives | 3 |
Total | 19 Credit Hours |
Sophomore Year – Second Semester
Course | Number | Course Title | Credit Hours |
Accounting | 202 | Principles of Accounting II | 3 |
Economics | 204 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 |
English | 202 | Sophomore English II | 3 |
Management | 202 | Principles of Management II | 3 |
Total | 12 Credit Hours |
Junior Year – First Semester
Course | Number | Course Title | Credit Hours |
Accounting | 301 | Intermediate Accounting I | 3 |
Accounting | 311 | Cost Accounting | 3 |
Economics | 315 | Business and Economics Statistics | 3 |
Management | 311 | Principles of Business Law I | 3 |
Elective | 3 | ||
Minor I | 3 | ||
Total | 18.0 |
Junior Year Second Semester
Course | Number | Course Title | Credit Hours |
Accounting | 302 | Intermediate Accounting II | 3 |
Accounting | 312 | Cost Accounting II | 3 |
Economics | 316 | Business and Economics Statistics | 3 |
Elective | 318 | Financial Management( Compulsory Elective) | 3 |
Minor II | 3 | ||
Total | 15 Credit hours |
Senior Year First Semester
Course | Number | Course Title | Credit Hours |
Accounting | 401 | Advanced Accounting I | 3 |
Accounting | 403 | Accounting System and Control | 3. |
Accounting | 405 | Auditing I | 3 |
Accounting | 413 | Elements of Taxation | 3 |
MinorIII | 3 | ||
Minor IV | 3 | ||
Total | 18.0 |
Senior Year Second Semester
Course | Number | Course Title | Credit Hour |
Accounting | 402 | Advanced Accounting II | 3 |
Accounting | 404 | Accounting Theory | 3 |
Accounting | 406 | Auditing II | 3 |
Accounting | 414 | Government Budget and Accounting System | 3 |
Minor V | 3 | ||
Elective | 3 | ||
Total | 18 Credit Hours |
Descriptions of Courses
Accounting 201 (Principles of Accounting)
– 3 Credit Hours –
Pre-requisite: Mathematics 108
Control Accounts; Accounts for non- profit organizations ; records; Bank reconciliation Statement; Payroll account; Declaration of fixed assets; Partnership account; Manufacturing accounts; Introduction to Intermediate Accounting; Share capital; Share issue and dividend .
ACCT 202 (Principles of Accounting II)– 3Credit Hours –
Pre-requisite: ACCT. 201
This course deals or considers the cost of depreciation, detailing the basic methods of depreciation, sinking funds, share capital, share issues and redemption; share values Specialized Accounting, Company Accounting and joint venture.
Accounting 301 – Intermediate Accounting I
– (Pre-requisite Accounting 202)
The description has to do with bad debt analysis, accounting assumptions, Depreciation and disposition of long term asset, Distinction between current and Long term assets, applications of rules, accounting for stock holder equity.
Accounting 302 – Intermediate Accounting –
Pre-requisite – Accounting 301
The description of this course includes the accounting information system, conceptual frame work for the reporting system, balance sheet analysis, Time value of money, inventories method and the valuation of issues of inventories.
Accounting 311 Cost Accounting I–
(Pre-requisite Accounting 201& 202)
Definitions and Purpose of Cost Accounting and inventory control Classifications of cost by nature, functions, responsibility and behavior; Methods and techniques in collecting, measuring and reporting cost information, labor costing overhead costing, control and joint distribution, elementary theorem and addition.
Accounting 312 Cost Accounting II –
(Pre-requisite Accounting ( 311)
This course is designed as a continuation of the concepts covered in Cost Accounting I, where the student was introduced to the recording, classification and reporting of costs management use to plan, control, and make decisions. The student will build on this foundation with a more in-depth analysis and reporting of costs. This analysis and reporting will include performance measures, financial statement analysis, capital budgeting and service department costing methods, as well as a further detailed analysis of activity-based costing and process costing.
Accounting 401 – Advanced Accounting I –
(Pre-requisite–Accounting 302/301
This course examines the accounting principles related to business combinations and consolidations. Topics include consolidations at the date of acquisition, consolidations after the date of acquisition, accounting for differences between cost and book value, intercompany sales of inventory, property and equipment, changes in ownership interest, indirect ownership and reciprocal stockholdings, and reporting for segments..
Accounting 402 Advanced Accounting II
(Pre-requisite – Accounting 401
This course is designed, and focuses on the methods and procedures that form the complete internal control system. The system is concerned with ensuring compliance with accounting policies and procedures. Protecting the organization’s assets, and preparing reliable and timely financial report.
Accounting System and Control Accounting 403 (
Pre-requisite- Accounting 301)
Accounting system and control is a concepts and procedures that are implemented by a firm by internal control system, Policies, accuracy, reliability across accounting reports . It concerns the usage of electronic access logs; It examines the principle types of Accounting Controls System.
Accounting 405 – Auditing I –
(Pre-requisite Accounting 312
This course provides an intensive conceptual and applied introduction to auditing in society. It focuses on concepts and applications related to financial-statement, auditors’ professional responsibilities as well as major facets of the audit process including risk assessment and audit reporting, communication about audit professional decisions, environment and decisions about deliverable processes.
Accounting 413 Elements of Taxation (Pre-requisite –Accounting (312)
This course is designed to impact the students in the various elements of taxes which include the tax base, real estate tax, small taxation, medium taxation, large taxation, personal income tax, tax capacity and tax transformation.
Accounting 402 – Advanced Accounting II (Pre-requisite – Accounting 401)
This course is designed to impact the concepts of accounting in the specialized such as partnerships a business entity, Nonprofit and college accounting, estate and trust accounting, corporate, bankruptcies, reorganizations and liquidations.
Accounting 404 – Accounting Theory (Pre-requisite –Accounting 403)
This course is designed to address to address the contemporary in both financial and management accounting in the context of theoretical and empirical development.
Accounting 406 – Auditing II – 3 Credit Hours (Pre-requisite Accounting 405)
This course focuses on sampling plan and techniques, gathering substantive evidence for cash and investment cycle, long-term debts and owners’ equity, and contingent liabilities. It also covers audit work papers, audit opinions, attestation services, compilation and reviews, and auditor’s legal liability associated with an audit engagement.
Accounting 414 Government Budget and Accounting System –
3 Credit Hours (Pre-requisite Accounting 413)
This course focuses on the scope of the budget, adequacy of the budget theory, evolution of the budget decision theory, the economic perspective of the budget relative value, incremental analysis, relativeness, the political and the management perspectives.
Computer Science 101(Introduction to Computer Technology)
This course is designed to teach computer introduction, the components of computers and their functions, significance and indispensability of computer, practical applicability in real time solution, Microsoft word processing and data manipulation.
Computer 102 3 Credit hours (Computer Applications) –
Prerequisite- Computer science 101
This course is focused on data processing, which provides students hand – on training in electronic spreadsheet, the general concepts and processing of management information system payroll system, petty cash flow, data query, depiction of data, data integrity interpretation and Power Point Presentation.
Economics 203 Microeconomics– 3 Credit Hours (Pre-requisite English 102)
This course considers the nature and scope of microeconomics, micro dynamics and comparative statistics, transition from microeconomics to macroeconomics, and economics and Principles of effective demands and supply, theory of consumption behavior, theory of production, theory of production, and theory of firms.
Economics 204 Macroeconomics – 3 Credits (Pre-requisite Economics 203)
The description of the course considers the role of investment, theory of consumption, income hypotheses, marginal efficiency of capital versus marginal efficiency of investment, concepts of multiplier, monetary theory, theory of interest rates, and theory of inflation.
English 101 – 3 Credit Hours
Basic communication course, emphasizing listening, constructive or clear thinking, basic writing and speaking abilities; which includes reading and discussion of short prose selections intended to develop both the reading and writing skills of the students with emphasis on organization and development of ideas; writing of effective paragraphs and short compositions.
English 102 (English)3 Credit Hours
(Pre-requisite: English 101)
Instruction in writing original composition, short essays, short stories, and poetry; to enhance basic written and oral communication skills in the development of creativity in analyzing and writing.
English 201 (English) 3 Credit Hours
(Pre-requisite: English 102)
Integrated program which places emphasis on the effective development of basic communication skills such as reading comprehensive and writing. It is a study of styles as manifested through some selected narratives, expository, descriptive and argumentative prose and poetic works in English. Summary (précis) and narrative.
English 202 College English II –
Pre-requisite English 201 – An advanced course in the use of grammar for communication skills such as reading literature, poetry, prose, covering selected and more sophisticated writing in modern English, covering the following areas: comparison and contrast, argument, exposition, and critical analysis. Writing skills are fostered, and students are ultimately exposed to the methods and techniques of writing short research papers.
French 101 – 3 Credits
This is a course taught by an audio-visual teaching method. Pronunciation and syntax are improved through written drills and exercises in the exercise of speaking and writing the French Language.
French 102– 3 Credits
(Pre-requisite French 101)
Emphasis is on grammatical construct of the French Language. Pronunciation and syntax are improved through written drills and exercises.
Mathematics 107- Pre – calculus 4 Credits
With the fundamentals of pre-calculus. It deals with the review of the real number system and set operation review of algebraic expression, equalities and inequalities including polynomials, rational expressions, radical expressions, radicals, absolute values.
Mathematics 108 (Math for Decision Making) 4 Credit Hours
(Pre-requisite: MATH 107)
The course covers topics in trigonometry and their graphs, trigonometric identities, solving trigonometric equation, inverse trigonometric function, and analytical geometry, providing students with the fundamentals of pre-calculus for those who will eventually take calculus.
Mathematics 203 – 4 Credit Hours (Pre-requisite – Math 108)
Mathematics is a tool for understanding our world and trying to solve its problems. Mathematical models are used in such diverse areas as determining the shape of aircraft’s wings for maximum lift, analyzing disease spread and control, and simulating network flows for efficient transportation systems. Mathematics also requires imagination, necessitating abstract and formalized thought on the one hand and creativity and intuition. This course is highly focused on the derivatives and limits.
Management 201- Principles of Management I- 3 Credits
( Pre-requisite English 102)
This course focuses on the elements of Management which are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling It is also diversified in identification of managers, variety of situations and enterprise, managerial skills and roles, general analysis of Management and organizational behavior,
Management 202 – Principles of Management II
(Pre-requisite Management 201)
This course is designed, and is concerned with leadership, motivational employees, interpersonal and intrapersonal communications, interpersonal relations in the work place, behavioral approach, and methods to improve quality of service and performance.
Management 311 Principles of Business Law I-3 Credit hours (Pre- requisite Management 202)
The course concerns the study of laws as relates to business operations , law and its sources, the judicial system, Litigation and the nature of torts and crimes , methods of resolving conflict and the Principles of Laws and Contracts Torts .
Management 312 Principles of Business Law II –
Credit Hours (Pre- requisite Management 307)
The fundamentals of the rules that apply to the business transactions; Contracts, the nature and scope of commercial paper, secured transactions, agencies as apply to business operations, types of business organizations, Corporate laws.
Management 318 Financial Management – 3 Credit hours – (Pre-requisite Accounting 202)
The course introduces the word of Finance , especially in the financial operations of business , basic financial and Physical techniques , the concept of time value of money, analyses, planning and control, sources and uses of funds, capital management , inventory and portfolio management, long term investment decisions, timing of financial policy
Military Science 101 (ROTC) I – 1Credit
Provides basic and fundamental knowledge of the Liberian Military understanding of the rules and procedures in the Military organizations.
Military Science 102 – 1
Credit (Pre-requisite ROTC 101)
Advanced knowledge of the Liberian Military, Structure, types of uniforms, dress code, ranks, insignia, when and where to salute superior officers, military chain of command, general orders, the eleven general orders, the importance of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ
.Physical Science 101 3Credit Hours
This course is designed to allow students explore the basic concepts of Physical Science, which includes the Introduction, to the fundamental concepts of Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy and earth science.
Physical Science 102, 3 Credit Hours
(Pre-requisite – Physical Science 101)
This course is designed as an introduction to Physics and Chemistry; the relationship of matter and energy to physical and chemical changes.