Department of Primary Education

The department of primary education offers Bachelor of Science in Language Arts – Social Studies combination and Bachelor of Science and Mathematics – Science combination. To be eligible for graduation, a prospective graduate must have earned a minimum of 134 credit hours with a GPA of 2.00 and above obtained from general education requirements 45 credit hours minimum, professional requirements 53 credit hours, and major contents 35 credit hours minimum.

Students of the primary division majoring in Mathematics-Science combination are required to do  BIOL 101, BIOL 102, SOSC 201, MATH 107 & MATH 108  and  are exempted from PHSC 101, PHSC 102,  MATH 101 & MATH 102 courses indicated under general education requirements. The professional education requirements are significantly tailored to prepare all the students within the primary division to meet the multiple challenges teachers are encountering in facilitating instructional activities. It is therefore incumbent upon all students within the division to complete the 45 credit hours minimum indicated under the professional education requirements.

Majoring Language Arts – Social Studies Combination General Education Requirements

1ENGL101Freshman English I          3
2ENGL 102Freshman English II           3
3ENGL 211English for Teachers I 3
4ENGL212English for  Teachers II   3
5GEOG 101Physical Geography I3
6SOSC 102Introduction to Social Science3
7MATH101College Algebra I3
8MATH 102College Algebra I                                                                        3
9PHSC  / BIOL 101  Physical Science/ Biology                                                                                      3
10PHSC / BIOL  102Physical Science/Biology                                                                           3
11FREN101Fundamental of French I                                                                               3
12FREN102Fundamental of French II                                                                             3
13PHED101Physical Education I  1
14PHED102Physical Education II    1
15ROTC 101Military Science 0 .5
16ROTC 102Military Science 0 .5
17COSC             101 Introduction  to   Computer                                                                                   3
28COSC             102Computer Application                                                                                   3
TOTAL CREDITS HOURS                                                                                                                           45

Professional Educational Requirements for all primary education division students

1EDUC101Music Education2
2EDUC102Arts & Design in Primary School2
3EDUC205Health Education2
4EDUC208Philosophy of Education3
5EDUC301Educational Psychology I3
6EDUC302Educational Psychology II3
7EDUC307Testing & Evaluation3
8EDUC313Library Science3
9EDUC318Teaching Language Arts in Primary School3
10EDUC333Instructional Materials3
11EDUC336Teaching Methodology3
12EDUC401School Administration3
13EDUC405Teaching Social Studies in Primary School3
14EDUC406Practice Teaching5
15EDUC414Seminar on Liberian Education3
16EDUC415Research Methodology3
17EDUC435Curriculum Development3
18EDUC436Guidance & Counseling 3
TOTAL CREDITS HOURS                                                                                                                           53

Majoring Language Arts – Social Studies Combination

Student majoring in Language Arts – Social Studies combination is required to complete general education requirements 45 credit hours, professional requirements 53 credit hours, and major contents 36 credit hours (Language Arts Contents 15 credit hours and Social Studies Contents 21 credit hours).  A prospective must have earned 134 credit hours with a GPA of 2.00 or above to obtain a bachelor degree in Language Arts- Social Studies.

1ENGL203Survey of English Literature3
2.ENGL214Business English & Communication II3
3.ENGL305Survey of African Literature3
4.ENGL336Creative Writing3
5.ENGL406African Novels3
TOTAL CREDITS HOURS                                                                                                                            15
1.GEOG100Map Reading I3
2GEOG200Map Reading II3
3GEOG202Fundamental of Geography3
4HIST201African Civilization I3
5HIST202African Civilization II3
6HIST308Topics in Liberian History3
7GEOG401Regional Geography of West Africa3
TOTAL CREDITS HOURS                                                                                                                            21


ENGL   101Freshman English I3.00ENGL  102Freshman English II3.00
MATH  101College Algebra I3.00MATH 102College Algebra3.00
PHYSC  101Physical Science / Biology3.00PHSC  102Physical Science/ Biology3.00
GEOG   101Physical Geog. I3.00SOSC  102Social Science3.00
GEOG   100Map Reading I3.00   
EDUC   101Music Education2.00PHED  102Physical Education1.00
PHED   101Physical Education1.00EDUC  102Arts & Designs in Pri.Sch.2.00
ROTC 101Military Science0.5ROTC 102Military Science0.5
ENGL  211English for Teachers  I3.00ENGL  212English for Teachers II3.00
GEOG 200Map Reading II3.00GEOG 202Fundamental of Geography3.00
EDUC  205Health Education2.00EDUC  208Philosophy of Education3.00
HIST  201African Civilization I3.00HIST   202African Civilization II3.00
COSC  101Introduction to Computer3.00COSC  102Computer Application3.00
FREN  101Fundamental of French I3.00ENGL  214Business English & Coom. II3.00
ENGL  203Survey of English Literature3.00FREN  102Fundamental of French II3.00
EDUC  301Educational Psychology I3.00EDUC  318Teaching Language Arts3.00
EDUC  307Testing & Evaluation3.00EDUC  302Educational Psychology II3.00
ENGL  305Survey of African Literature3.00HIST 308Topics in Liberian History3.00
EDUC  313 Library Science3.00EDUC  336Teaching Methodology3.00
EDUC  333Instructional Materials3.00ENGL  336Creative Writing3.00
EDUC  405Teaching Social Studies Elem.3.00EDUC  414Seminar on Liberian Educ3.00
EDUC  401School Administration3.00ENGL  406African Novels3.00
GEOG  401Regional Geography3.00EDUC  436Guidance & Counseling3.00
EDUC  415Research Methodology3.00EDUC  406Practice Teaching5.00
EDUC  435Curriculum Development3.00   

Majoring Mathematics- Science Combination

Student majoring in Mathematics- Science Combination is required to complete general education requirements 50 credit hours, professional requirements 53 credit hours, and major contents 36 credit hours (Mathematics Contents 18 credit hours and Science Contents 18 credit hours). A prospective graduate must have obtained 139 credit hours with a GPA of 2,00 or above. Importantly, Student of the primary division majoring in Mathematics-Science combination is required to do  BIOL 101, BIOL 102, SOSC 201, SOSC 201, MATH 107 & MATH 108  and  are exempted from PHSC 101, PHSC 102,  MATH 101 & MATH 102 courses indicated under general education requirements. Additionally, EDUC 318 and EDUC 405 are intended only for Language Arts- Social Studies combination students while EDUC 316 and EDUC 403 are designed only for Mathematics- Science combination students under the professional education requirements.

1ENGL101Freshman English I          3
2ENGL 102Freshman English II           3
3ENGL 211English for Teachers I 3
4ENGL212English for  Teachers II   3
5GEOG 101Physical Geography I3
6SOSC 102Introduction to Social Science3
7SOSC     201The Liberian Society3
8MATH107Pre Calculus4
9MATH 108Decision Making                                                                            4
10BIOL 101  Physical Science/ Biology                                                                                      3
11BIOL  102Physical Science/Biology                                                                           3
12FREN101Fundamental of French I                                                                              3
13FREN102Fundamental of French II                                                                              3
14PHED101Physical Education I  1
15PHED102Physical Education II   1
16ROTC 101Military Science 0 .5
17ROTC 102Military Science 0 .5
18COSC             101 Introduction  to   Computer                                                                                   3
19COSC             102Computer Application                                                                                   3
TOTAL CREDITS HOURS                                                                                                                           50
1EDUC205Health Education2
2EDUC208Philosophy of Education3
3EDUC301Educational Psychology I3
4EDUC302Educational Psychology II3
5EDUC307Testing & Evaluation3
6EDUC336Teaching Methodology3
7EDUC435Curriculum Development3
8EDUC401School Administration3
9EDUC436Guidance & Counseling 3
10EDUC406Practice Teaching5
11EDUC414Seminar on Liberian Education3
12EDUC333Instructional Materials3
13EDUC101Music Education2
14EDUC102Arts & Design in Primary School2
15EDUC316Teaching Science in Primary School3
16EDUC403Teaching Mathematics in Primary School3
17EDUC415Research Methodology3
18EDUC313Library Science3
TOTAL CREDITS HOURS                                                                                                                            53
1MATH203Set Theory3
2MATH211Discrete Mathematics  I3
3MATH212Discrete Mathematics  II3
4.MATH304Differential Equations3
5.MATH311Geometry for Teachers3
6MATH401Abstract Algebra3
TOTAL CREDITS HOURS                                                                                                                           18
1.BIOL201Macro Biology  I4
2BIOL201Macro Biology  II4
3BIOL301Botany I4
4BIOL302Botany II3
TOTAL CREDITS HOURS                                                                                                                            18


ENGL   101Freshman English3.00ENGL  102Freshman English II3.00
MATH 107Pre-Calculus4.00MATH  108Decision Making4.00
BIOL 101Biology3.00BIOL 102Biology3.00
COSC  101Intro. to Computer3.00COSC  102Computer Application3.00
GEOG 101Physical Geography3.00SOSC  102Intro. to Social Science3.00
EDUC 101Music Education2.00PHED 102Physical Education II1.00
PHED 101Physical Education I1.00ROTC  102Military Science II0.5
ROTC  101Military Science0.5EDUC  102Arts & Designs in Pri. Sch.2.00
ENGL  211English for Teachers I3.00ENGL  212English for Teachers II3.00
MATH 203Set Theory3.00MATH  212Discrete Mathematics  II3.00
MATH 211Discrete Mathematics  I3.00BIOL 202Micro Biology II4.00
BIOL  201Micro Biology I4.00EDUC 208Philosophy of Education3.00
FREN 101Fundamental of French I3.00FREN 102Fundamental of French3.00
SOSC  201The Liberian Society3.00   
EDUC 205Health Education2.00   
EDUC  301Educational Psychology I3.00EDUC 302Educational Psychology II3.00
EDUC  307Testing & Evaluation3.00EDUC 336Teaching Methodology3.00
EDUC  333Instructional Materials3.00EDUC 313Library Science (Elective)3.00
BIOL  301Botany I4.00EDUC  316Teaching Science in prim.3.00
MATH  311Geometry for Teachers3.00MATH 304Differential Equations3.00
   BIOL  302Botany II3.00
EDUC 401School Administration3.00EDUC  406Practice Teaching5.00
EDUC 415Research Methodology in Educ.3.00EDUC  436Guidance & Counseling3.00
EDUC 435Curriculum Development3.00EDUC  414Seminar on Liberian Educ.3.00
EDUC 403Teaching Math. in Primary Sch.3.00   
BIOL  401Zoology3.00   
MATH401Abstract Algebra3.00   

Course Descriptions

BIOL 101 General Biology                                                3 CREDITS

Emphasis on Plant Science, Characteristics of living things, functional approach to the chemical basis of life, chemical principles common to both living and non-living things and synthesis of elementary biological molecules in plants by way of photosynthesis, reproduction by cell divisions, alternation of generations, elementary Mundelein Principles and elementary plant development.

BIOL 102  General Biology II                                           3 CREDITS

Pre-requisite: BIOL 101

A continuation of a functional approach to the study of living things with emphasis on animal biology. A general survey of the Phyla and classes of the animal kingdom. Detailed knowledge of anatomy and physiology as related to chemical reactions.

BIOL 201 Macro Biology  I     4 CREDITS

Pre-requisite BIOL 102

Introductory program for students to the diversity of micro organism, bacteria, viruses and fungi, and the impact of microbes on everyday life, interaction of micro organism with the biotic and abiotic worlds. It will also include culture methods, principles of sterility, and aseptic techniques.

BIOL 202 Macro Biology II                        4 CREDITS

Pre-requisite BIOL 201

An in-dept study of micro organism including representative archaea, bacteria, viruses, viroids, prions, protozoa, algae, lichens and fungi. It emphasizes morphology genetics and its control.

BIOL 301 Botany I   3 Credits

This course is designed primarily to introduce teachers to the background of plant cell and its structure, function of roots, stem, leaves photosynthesis, respiration, plant and water relation, and plant and minerals. It also highlight the study of vegetative propagation, flowers, seeds, fruits and seed dispersal, seed germination and the classification of plants.

BIOL 302 Botany II            3 CREDITS

Pre-requisite BIOL 301

Examines evolutionary solutions to problems of survival and reproduction faced by plants and their allies (plants, fungi, protists). Problems are investigated from a structure function basis in an evolutionary phylogenic survey. Physiological processes are emphasized, including the selective prossion involved in the evolution of these mechanisms.

BIOL 401 Zoology      3 CREDITS

Pre-requisite BIOL 301

This course covered the developmental, biological and behavioral characteristics of animals and animals’ life (vertebrate and invertebrate animals). It emphasizes cell biology ,comparative anatomy, physiology and genetics, the anatomy and physiology of the frogand general principles of genetics and evolution.

COSC 101 Introduction to Computer                              3 CREDITS

An introduction to computer application with practical orientation. The students learn about the evolution of computer, the classification, and the components of the computer, the significance, and indispensability of computers in our contemporary world.

COSC 102 Computer Application                                    3 CREDITS

Pre-requisite: COSC 101

This course is practical oriented and is focused on data processing using spreadsheet. It provides students hands-on training in electronic spreadsheet using MS Excel 2010. It teaches general concept and processes of management information system, payroll calculation, pretty-cash flow, data query, pivot/chart depiction of data, data integrity and Power point presentation.

EDUC  101  Music Education                                       2 CREDITS

This course is a comparative African and Western Music History course which covers the ancient period to the 16th century. African Traditional Music and musical instruments are discussed in light of their use and the events for which they are used. Producers as well as the organization of this traditional music are explained and compared with western musical developments. The beginning stages of music as a science are emphasized.

EDUC 102   Arts & Design in Primary School                              2 CREDITS

Pre-requisite: Must have completed 003 ENGL or MATH 003

This is intended to introduce students to the world of arts and crafts. It further endeavors to expose students to the building of skills and knowledge of arts, culture and develop the ability to appreciate the value of craft

EDUC 205 Health Education                                                        2 CREDITS

Pre-requisite: English 101

This course seeks to build the skills of students in establishing the team of Health Educators in a community setting. It further strengthens students in acquiring the basic knowledge in preventing diseases, such as communicable, air-borned, water-borned and Ebola, as well as personal and community hygiene and skills in HIV, AID STI prevention.

EDUC 208 Philosophy of Education                                            3 CREDITS

Prerequisite: English 102 and SOSC 102

This is a cross-cutting course which provides investigative approach to the historical development of education in Africa from pre-colonial to present day and discusses selected issues in education and their relationship to social problems and social changes.

EDUC 301 Educational Psychology      I                                     3 CREDITS

Prerequisite: English 212, 214 Educ. 208

This course focuses on the definition and development psychology, educational psychology and the importance of educational psychology. The study of the processes of education which includes topics such as learning, motivation, human growth, evaluation of achievement, personality  and the techniques of studying education.

EDUC 302 Educational Psychology  II                                      3 CREDITS

Prerequisite: Educ. 301

It is a comprehensively analytical course that introduces the students to the broad field of psychology and the study of the stages of child and adolescent development useful in the school setting, with focus on the problems of educational psychology and the application of theories and practices in psychology to effective classroom management to promote quality teaching and learning processes.

EDUC 307 Testing and Evaluation                                    3 CREDITS

Prerequisite:  MATH 101, 102 or 107, 108

This course focuses on the principles, methods and techniques of evaluation in education, including the construction; selection, administration, analysis, interpretation and uses of standardized and informal tests taking into account the Bloom’s taxonomy on instructional objectives. Emphasis is placed on how to construct teacher-mode tests and how to interpret test scores.

EDUC  313 Library Science                                                 3 CREDITS

Prerequisite: EDUC 208, ENGL 212, SOSC 201

This course covers the historical background, organization, types of libraries and the role of the library as an institution that preserves culture and information.

EDUC 316 Teaching Science in Primary School              3 CREDITS

Pre-requisite: EDUC 301

This course focuses on the methods or techniques in teaching science concepts. It deals with new strategies in teaching primary school science topics and contents and emphasizes science topics based on the teaching aids from the local environment which are project oriented reflective of the curriculum.

EDUC  318 Teaching Language Arts in Primary School          3 CREDITS

Prerequisite: EDUC 101

This course emphasizes the processes of language development such as speech, handwriting, reading, spelling, and the use of language and the methods of teaching Language Arts which focuses on linguistic techniques to grammar. It further builds student’s skills in ways to encourage expression and enhance imagination for development of language skills.

EDUC  333 Instructional Materials                                              3 CREDITS

Prerequisite ENGL 212, EDUC 208

This course deals with examination, evaluation, selection, design and effective use of commercial audio visual materials in teaching are emphasized. Emphasis is also placed on locally made materials for effective teaching. This means that attention is placed on the construction and use of in-expensive local materials based mainly on the resources in the environment.

EDUC 336 Teaching Methodology                                              3 CREDITS

Prerequisite: EDUC 301, ENGL 212

This course is intended to provide students with a variety of skills, teaching techniques, strategies or styles to effectively teach subjects in their areas of specialty.

EDUC  401 School Administration                                                   3 CREDITS

Prerequisite:  EDUC 336, 302, and 333

This course is intended to provide theories, research and practices related to effective organizational leadership and development issues related to human resources, creating school vision and culture, problem-solving, decision-making and the relationship among school management, teachers and other personnel.

EDUC. 403  Teaching Mathematics in Primary School                      3 CREDITS


This course is designed to provide methods of teaching mathematics concepts such as sets, numeration systems, number operations, informal geometry, problem solving and the metric system for primary through the junior secondary school.

EDUC  405 Teaching Social Studies in Primary School                   3 CREDITS


This course deals with concept of selecting teaching methods that are especially suitable for teaching social studies concepts in primary and junior secondary school. It further focuses on geographical, historical, environmental and group interaction process and promotes the goals from the ASSP (African Social Studies Program).

EDUC. 406: Practice Teaching                                                             5 CREDITS

Pre-requisite EDUC 333, 401 and 435

This course is intended to provide an opportunity for senior students to engage in actual teaching under professional supervision, presenting planned lessons and exhibiting good classroom management.

EDUC  414  Seminar on Liberian Education                                    3 CREDITS

Pre-requisite:  Must be of senior status.

In this course, students will analyze current issues relevant to Liberia, Africa and third world countries, especially those which deal with economic development, social demand and manpower needs as related to educational planning. The impact of such issues on schools and professional educators and their role in social, cultural, and political planning is stressed.

EDUC 435 Curriculum Development                                        3 CREDITS

Pre-requisite: EDUC 336, and 302

Designing and adapting a curriculum reflective of local and national needs are emphasized. Student-teacher micro-planning with emphasis on scope and sequence, charts and curriculum change processes on national and local levels are taking into consideration. The needs of individual student, the community and nation are critically examined as a foundation for curriculum in the educational setting.

EDUC  436  Guidance and counseling                                         3 CREDITS

Pre-requisite EDUC 401 and 336

This course is intended to instill in students the skills, techniques and strategies required to professionally and psychologically handle the undesirable behaviors of students efficiently in the classroom. It studies the social, psychological, economic and philosophic trends which lead to the development of guidance and counseling programs in schools. Causes and uses of education, occupational and related information in guidance.

ENGL  101- Freshman English I                                              3 CREDITS

This course is required of students in all first degree program and pre-requisite to all credit bearing English courses. Comprehensive review of basic grammatical points, emphasizing on listening, writing, and speaking skills, which includes reading and discussion of short prose selections intended to develop both the reading and writing skills.

ENGL  102-Freshman English II                                                  3 CREDITS

Pre-requisite ENGL 101

This course exists to reinforce the skills acquired in English 101. It provides instruction in writing of original compositions description, narration and reading comprehension as well as enabling students to meet the requirement of college education.

ENGL  203 Survey of English Literature                                    3 CREDITS

This course will present a rapid review of English Literature from origin to present. The method of presentation will be that of a chronological survey in which major works from each of epoch of English Literature will be critically examined.

ENGL 211 English for Teachers                                                 3 CREDITS

Prerequisite: ENGL 102, SOSC 102

This Course is focused to enable student writes critical, logical and analytical essays. A variety of texts are read, while different reviews and practical exercises improve the different techniques for prewriting, reviewing and editing the texts.

ENGL  212 English for Teachers                                                  3 CREDITS

Pre-requisite Engl. 211, SOSC 201

This Course is focused to enable student writes critical, logical and analytical essays. A variety of texts are read, while different reviews and practical exercises improve the different techniques for prewriting, reviewing and editing the texts.

ENGL 213: Business English and Communication                3 CREDITS

Pre-requisite ENGL 102, ENGL 211

This course intends to emphasize on everyday business documents so that students can follow the style required for good performance at a business activity, memos, professional emails, reports, and other business documents will be analyzed and understood, and practical activities will be carried out to achieve well-written final texts.

ENGL 214: Business English and Communication                3 CREDITS

Prerequisite: ENGL 213

The course is a continuation of Business English and Communication I , It provides additional materials to buildup students’ confidence and provide them with language resources to participate in business meetings, evaluate different ideas or solutions to a problem. It further seeks to arm students with sufficient range of language / good vocabulary for matter connected to their field and most general topics; give clear descriptions, express viewpoints and develop arguments.

ENGL 305: Survey of African Literature                                3 CREDITS

Pre-requisite: English 212, SOSC 201

This course is designed to encourage non-academic writing, with emphasis on the different modes of literature expression (poetry, drama and other prose).

ENGL  336 Creative Writing                                                             3 CREDITS

This course is designed exclusively to the writing of fiction as a modern short story based upon contemporary African experience. The cultural aspects will be discussed, such as: traditions, customs, and spirituality. Western principles of short fiction will also be compared and contrasted: conflict, suspense, point-of-view, dramatic movement of plot, characterization, motivation, setting, dialogue, language, and symbol

ENGL 406: African Novels                                                           3 CREDITS

This course is a review of the role of African novels in communication and literature, and an introduction to novels written by Africans and the lessons learned from the novels by African readers, with samples selected literature from all parts of Africa.

FREN 101 Fundamental of French I                             3 CREDITS

It is the basic French course which lays emphasis on developing, listening, reading and speaking skills through the presentation of situation relevant to everyday life and oral exercises.

FREN 102 Fundamental of French II                         3 CREDITS

Prerequisite: FREN 101

It reinforces the skills acquired in French 101 and provides additional materials in terms of grammar and vocabulary. It is a developing, speaking, reading, and writing skills through the study of themes relevant to everyday life.

GEOG 100-Map Reading                                      3 CREDITS

The course is an introduction to the different types of maps, and the symbols and scales of maps. Diagrams, tables and graphs will be studied for their compilation and values. A section of the course will deal with surveying instruments. Students of this course will learn how to use the basic map information, the art and science of map marking, the use of various maps scales, map symbols and the techniques and characteristics of map projection, as well as the distinction between types of maps.

GEOG 101 Physical Geography I                                        3 CREDITS

This course emphasizes the understanding that Physical Geography is a science. The need and purpose of Geography as well as area of study cover the followings: Differentiation, scientific laws, descriptions, explanations, determinism, and dualism of physical and geographical region.

GEOG 200-Map Reading                                     3 CREDITS

Prerequisite:  GEOG 100

This course will focus on more practical study of drawing techniques and cartography, with a special section dealing with projections. Thematic maps will be produced and map interpretation will embrace all types of map including air photos. A study of recent maps of Liberia will be made.

GEOG 202 Fundamental of Geography                              3 CREDITS

Prerequisite:  GEOG 200

An overview of basic geographic concept both physical and human geography with emphasis on the interrelationships of people with their physical and culture environment. It emphasis the way through which all places on earth  are interconnected and how the human use of the surface varies over the years.  Emphasis will be placed on many regions around the world, however the West Africa Region will primarily be highlighted.

GEOG 401 Regional Geography of West Africa               3 CREDITS

Prerequisite:  GEOG 202

This course gives students an overview of, and exposure to the different regions of West Africa and the various physical, social, cultural, and political, and economic processes that create, shape and affect them. It examines the environmental, cultural, historical, and economic processes that make each region unique, as well as its connections and commonalities with other regions.

HIST 201   African Civilization I                                            3 CREDITS

Pre-requisite:  English 102, SOSC 102

This course examines the history and societies of the African people and civilizations they built since the earliest times (time immemorial) up to the 1800. The course is designed to lay emphasis on western and pre-colonial Africa.

HIST 202  African  Civilization  II     3 CREDITS

Pre-requisite: HIST 201, English 211

This course is intended to examine the process of colonization in Africa and African responses. Its primary focus is on the eastern and southern regions of Africa, as well as Madagascar.

HIST 308 Topics in Liberian History                                         3 CREDITS

Pre-requisite: HIST. 211, 212 and English 212

This course covers Liberian history from pre 1821 to 2018. Course topics include:

Samuel K. Doe and the People’s Redemption Council (1980 – 1989). First Liberian Civil War (1989 – 1996), second Liberia Civil War (1997 – 2003(, Peace Agreement and Transitional Government (2003 – 2005),   Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf elected president (2005), and some key events (2006 – 2018).

MATH 101 College Algebra I                                    3 CREDITS

Every educated person needs to know the process, evaluate, and understand the numerical and graphical information in our society. Topics include but not limited to: intermediate algebraic concepts, geometry, mathematics of financial, and introductory to probability and statistics.

MATH 102 College Algebra II                                     3 CREDITS

Pre-requisite MATH 101

It comprises algebra of functions, coordinate geometry, polynomial and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, systems of equations and inequalities, matrices and determinant, sequences and series, the binomial theorem, trigonometry, trigonometric equations, and topics in analytic geometry and conics

MATH 107 Pre-calculus                                                  4 Credit Hours

This course covers topics in Algebra, providing students with the fundamentals of pre-calculus. It deals with the review of the real number system and set operation review of algebraic expression, equalities and inequalities including polynomials, rational expressions, radical expressions, radicals, absolute values, etc.

MATH 108  Math for Decision Making                          4 Credit Hours

Prerequisite: MATH 107.

The course covers topics in trigonometry and their graphs, trigonometric identities, solving trigonometric equation, inverse trigonometric function, and analytical geometry, providing students with the fundamentals of pre-calculus for those who will eventually take calculus.

MATH 203 Set Theory                                                     3 Credits

Pre-requisite MATH 108

This course primarily focuses on sets (infinite, finite, joint, disjoint, union, sub set and universal set) using Venn diagrams. Relation and functions, various axioms of the set theory are also used, cardinal numbers, Modulu’s mathematics are inclusive.

MATH 211 Discrete Mathematics I                                 3 Credits

Prerequisite MATH 203

The course designed to prepare math and science students for abstract notation and thinking critically. Topics to cover include logic, relation, function, set theory, elementary number theory and various methods of mathematical proofs.

MATH 212 Discrete Mathematics II                                       3 CREDITS

Prerequisite MATH 211

This course prepares or help students develop the ability to think and write mathematically and logically. Topics to cover include sequence and recurrence, graph theory, elementary probability, Boolean’s Algebra, methods of mathematic proofs, mathematics induction and combination.

MATH 304 Differential Equations                                     3 CREDITS

Pre-requisite MATH 108 and MATH 203

This is a course that solves problems involving: Real plan-continuity and differentiability of functions or one several variables, infinite series and integration, Legendre’s equations; determinant, matrix, qualitative theory; linear differential equations.

MATH 311 Geometry for Teachers                                  3 CREDITS

Mainly for teachers who are expected to teach geometry in schools. Its main objective is to make student appreciate and acquire understanding of geometry. Topic to covered are: comparism of different action system for geometry, in-depth study of the most important results of Euclidean geometry and their proofs, parameters, polygons, angles, sets.

MATH 401 Abstract Algebra                                            3 CREDITS

Pre-requisite MATH 311

This course covers the study of secondary geometry text. It concentrates on the comparison of different axiom system for geometry and their proofs. It covers Euclidean geometry; introduction to and history of non Euclidean geometry; factorization domains; linear transformations; properties of integers, polynomials rings.

PHED 101 Physical Education I                                       1 CREDIT                       

This course provides each freshman student a practical opportunity to participate and develop skill in a variety of athletic activities. It stresses physical development, physical fitness, motor skills, elective sports, remedial and corrective exercise and it stimulates sports appreciation.

PHED 102 Physical Education II                                          1 CREDIT

Pre-requisite PHED 101

This course provides the student with greater knowledge of human anatomy, physiology, health education, objectives of physical education and an appreciation of his own body.

PHSC 101 Physical Science                                                     3 CREDITS

A study of physical universe, Ptolemy hypothesis, copemicus and Keller, motion, the laws of motion, gravitation, discovery of Neptune and Pluto, energy, work, power, momentum, angular, heat changes of states; matter in bulk, solids, gases, pressure, gas law, atoms and molecules, the kinetic molecular theory of matter, wave motion and sound, electricity and magnetism.

PHSC 102 Physical Science                                                      3 CREDITS

Pre-requisite PHSC 102

A study of atomic structure, the nucleus, theory of atom, the reactions, oxidation, and reduction, organic chemistry, earth materials, sun, stars, and universe as well as the atmosphere.

ROTC 101  Reserved Officer Training Corps                              0.5 CREDITS

This course provides basic knowledge and history of Liberia military including drill and ceremony.

ROTC 102 (Reserved Officer Training Corps)                           0.5 CREDITS

Advanced knowledge of Liberia Military, structure, types of uniforms, dress code, ranks, insignia, when and where to salute superior officer; military chain of command, general orders, the eleven general orders; importance of uniform code of Military Justice (UCMJ)

SOSC 102 Introduction to Social Science                                    3 CREDITS

This course covers the development of man, and human society, culture, evolution of man, concepts of status and role; the concept of family and marriage, structure of society and social institutions.

SOSC 201 The Liberian Society                                               3 CREDITS

This course studies the social, economic, demographic, and political institutions of Liberia. Emphasis is placed on the population, the powers and political structure at various cultural groups in the Liberian Society.